A chance meeting at a fundraiser left CEO Michael Coghlan impressed by the work Central Coast Kids in Need do, their passion and their drive. Central Coast Kids in Need helps Central Coast families of seriously ill children who have to travel to Newcastle or Sydney for treatment, CCKIN covers their transport, accommodation and other costs. CCKIN supports local families like the Metcalfe’s who’s daughter Olive (pictured) was born with spina bifida and Louis (now volunteer) who CCKIN purchased a diabetes pump for many years ago. An initial donation of $30,000 was made by the Wyong Roos Foundation in October 2017.
In October 2018, a second donation of $35,000 was made from The Wyong Roos Foundation to assist in the continued fantastic efforts and an ongoing partnership of this organisation.
In October 2019, our 3rd annual donation was made to CCKIN of $30,000 bringing the total donated to $95,000.
For more information on Central Coast Kids in Need, please visit their website www.cckin.com.au.